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Group Coaching Clinic

Specific speech or presentation training.

At Your Premises

Service Description

A group coaching clinic involves the participants over a half day with coaching for an actual or part of a presentation. In a group clinic the focus is on a specific speech or presentation. Each participant may be working on similar or totally different presentations. Often the presentations are in different stages of development. Each participant has an opportunity to present “where they are up to” in the development of their presentation. They receive feedback and ideas from the coach and the group. Often during this process some very creative ideas come up around the opening and the close of the presentation. The coaching clinic gives participants an opportunity to explore and try out material and also to check if the process they have chosen is going to be effective. Participants also realize that a presentation evolves and that by watching others in the group that everyone has a unique style of delivery. The coaching clinic also makes sure that the presenter is clear on their objectives and has some understanding of their audience. “Who are you speaking to?” “What is your objective?” “What do you want the audience to do when you have finished?” These are the questions that participants need to have clear answers to in a coaching clinic. Note: Coaching Clinic works best with small groups of 2 – 6 TESTIMONIALS “It was in all honesty one of the best mornings I have spent in “training or workshopping” or however we would like to put it. Whilst I have been very much a critic of the CEO forum presentation we talked about and believe we do much better here, it has opened my eyes to a completely new way of presenting our plan – for some boring, for others enlightening but what a challenge to make it interesting and enlightening for all (which was always the goal) and I believe you have given us a great opportunity to think “outside our ears” and be creative, yet simple. As they say, less is more!” – John Oliver CEO HomeStart Finance

Contact Details

+61 413 053 971

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